PhD téma kiírások

Supervisor Institutecsökkenő sorrend Cím
Sándor Lenk Department of Atomic Physics Characterizing semiconductor materials with advanced photo-modulated reflectance techniques
Koppa Pál Department of Atomic Physics Micro-optical implementation of a flat-panel Head Up Display
Cora Ildikó Department of Atomic Physics Study of Ga-oxide semiconducting thin films and related materials
Sándor Bordács Department of Physics Magneto-optical spectroscopy in topogical semimetals
Sándor Bordács Department of Physics Linear and non-linear spectroscopy of bulk magnetoelectrics
Rácz István Department of Physics Initializing dynamical black hole evolutions
David Szaller Department of Physics Magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of van der Waals magnets
János K. Asbóth Department of Theoretical Physics Disorder and topology in driven quantum systems
Laszlo Szunyogh Department of Theoretical Physics Spin-spiral states in ultrathin films and nanowires
Penc Karlo Department of Theoretical Physics Microscopic modeling of correlated electron systems with spin-orbit coupling
Rácz, István Department of Theoretical Physics Investigation of the stability of the inner Cauchy horizon of black holes.
Laszlo Szunyogh Department of Theoretical Physics Magnetism of chemically disordered alloys from first principles
Rácz István Department of Theoretical Physics Constructing generic binary black hole initial data
Levente Rózsa Department of Theoretical Physics Dynamics of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in magnet-superconductor hybrid systems
Hetényi Balázs Department of Theoretical Physics Extensions of the modern theory of polarization: Application to quasi-periodic models
Levente Rózsa Department of Theoretical Physics Topology and magnonic transport in fluctuating magnetic nanostructures
János K. Asbóth Department of Theoretical Physics Quantum Error Correction and topological quantum codes
Géza Ódor Department of Theoretical Physics Investigation of heterogeneity effects in network models
Aszódi Attila Institute of Nuclear Techniques Thermal-hydraulic investigations of VVER fuel assemblies using CFD and PIV techniques