BME Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
PhD témajavaslat

A témavezető neve: Pázmándi Tamás
- munkahelye: MTA Centre for Energy Research
- beosztása: head of Radiation Protection Department
- tudományos fokozata: PhD
- email címe:
A konzulens neve: Czifrus Szabolcs
- tanszéke: Institute of Nuclear Techniques
- beosztása: Director
- tudományos fokozata: PhD
- email címe:
A doktori munka készítésénak helye és címe:
MTA Centre for Energy Research
29-33 Konkoly Thege Miklós út, H-1121 Budapest
A kidolgozandó feladat címe: Use of Monte Carlo simulations in the field of radiation protection and space research
A téma rövid leírása, a megoldandó legfontosabb feladatok felsorolása:

As the computing capacity of information technology tools increases, simulations are being applied more broadly in radiation protection. Monte Carlo calculations are used also in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research in many research areas, such as sizing of industrial and medical equipment shielding, determination of external or internal radiation exposure, calibration of measuring equipment, and design and functional testing of space equipment.

Candidate will get involved in the development work of the research team. He/she will get to understand the modeling basics and the available simulation tools and then will get to participate in the development of previously created models, in the design of newer models and in the model validation by measurement data comparison. He/she will compare the different methods and computing tools used to solve different problems.

The research results can be directly applied in practice (e.g. determination of the radiation exposure for workers and the public, design of space equipment) and published in scientific journals.

A jelentkezővel szemben támasztott elvárások:

The candidate needs to be capable of independent thinking, to have new ideas and above average knowledge in the field of radiation protection. The candidate needs to have the language skills required to review and describe English documents, as well as c ++ programming skills. Knowledge of tools to carry out Monte-Carlo calculations is an advantage.

Nyilatkozat: A fenti munkahelyen a javasolt témában kutatás feltételei biztosítottak, a téma meghirdetését a munkahelyi vezető jóváhagyta.
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Természettudományi Kar
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3. K épület I. em. 18.