BME Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
PhD témajavaslat

A témavezető neve: Markó Márton
- munkahelye: Centre of Energy Research, Institute for Energy Security and Enviromental Safety, Department of Neutron Spectroscopy
- beosztása: Researcher
- tudományos fokozata: PhD
- email címe:
A konzulens neve: Pokol Gergő
- tanszéke: NTI
- beosztása: associate professor
- tudományos fokozata: PhD
- email címe:
A doktori munka készítésénak helye és címe:
Centre for Energy Research
1121 Budapest Konkoly M. Th. utca 29-33
A kidolgozandó feladat címe: Neutron scattering investigations of dynamics of soluttions in nanoporous structures
A téma rövid leírása, a megoldandó legfontosabb feladatok felsorolása:

Due to their large specific surface, the nano and mesoporous silica gels have special adsorption properties, thus they are emerging candidates for controlled delivery of bioactive materials like drugs or adsorption of poisonous materials. To synthesize such silica gels, the accurate description of the interactions between the silica matrix and – mostly water based – solutions is needed. The main target of our research is to describe and understand the relationship between the structure of the silica gels synthesized with different substituents and the solution of biologically active molecules, and, based on the results, synthesizing of organically modified silica gels used as support for controlled drug delivery.

The role of the PhD candidate is to perform elastic, quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements to reveal the static and dynamic structure of the system composed of silica gel and solution of bioactive materials, comparing the results with other kind of measurements (like NMR), and giving complex description of the interaction of the modified silica gels and the bioactive materials.
During his work the PhD candidate has to take part in the design and development of the neutron scattering instruments at the Budapest Research Reactor as well.












A jelentkezővel szemben támasztott elvárások:
- English knowledge
- MsC in Physics, Chemistry or related disciplines 
- Programming skills in Matlab, Python or C is advantageous,
- Knowledge of neutron/X-ray scattering methods and neutron optics is advantageous.
Nyilatkozat: A fenti munkahelyen a javasolt témában kutatás feltételei biztosítottak, a téma meghirdetését a munkahelyi vezető jóváhagyta.
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Természettudományi Kar
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3. K épület I. em. 18.