
Időpont Előadósort descending Cím esemeny_tipus
2021.04.27. 16:00 Bezdek Károly A new look at the contact graphs of (separable) unit sphere packings Szeminárium
2018.05.15. 10:30 Bezdek Károly (University of Calgary and University of Pannonia) On totally separable translative packings
2017.05.09. 10:30 Bezdek Károly (University of Calgary and University of Pannonia) On contact graphs of totally separable bodies
2024.03.05. 17:15 Bo Huang Using Symbolic Computation to Analyze Zero-Hopf Bifurcations of Polynomial Differential Systems Szeminárium
2022.10.18. 17:15 Boldog Péter (Szeged, Hungary, Bolyai Inst.) Exact lattice-based stochastic cell culture simulation algorithms incorporating spontaneous and contact-dependent reactions Szeminárium
2016.03.08. 10:30 Böröczky Károly A Minkowski probléma néhány változata
2023.11.07. 17:15 Boros Balázs Oscillations in three-reaction quadratic mass-action systems Szeminárium
2022.01.25. 16:00 Boros Balázs (Vienna Univ.): Limit cycles in mass-preserving three species mass-action systems Szeminárium
2017.05.18. 09:15 Botond Sánta AgI-based photosensitive memristors
2018.06.07. 16:15 Botond Szabó (Leiden) On the fundamental understanding of divide-and-conquer methods
