2017.04.20. 09:00 |
Endre Tóvári |
Conducting channels and localization in graphene in a magnetic field |
2017.10.19. 14:00 |
Rosario Corso (Università degli Studi di Palermo) |
Representation theorems for sesquilinear forms |
2015.12.04. 09:15 |
Gábor Sárosi |
Warped Weyl fermion partition functions |
2018.06.18. 11:00 |
Andras Vasy (Stanford University) |
Microlocal analysis and its applications |
2018.02.23. 09:15 |
Wataru Izumida (Tohoku Univ.) |
Zero energy edge states in carbon nanotubes with superconducting pairing |
2016.10.26. 16:00 |
Matolcsi Máté (BME és MTA Rényi Intézet) |
Nem-kommutatív Delsarte módszer, és alkalmazás a MUB-problémára |
2017.05.09. 10:30 |
Bezdek Károly (University of Calgary and University of Pannonia) |
On contact graphs of totally separable bodies |
2017.11.02. 14:00 |
Farkas Máté (KCIK, University of Gdansk) |
MUB equivalence classes are physical |
2015.11.10. 13:15 |
Matthias Droth (Univ. Konstanz) |
Electron spin relaxation in graphene nanoribbon quantum dots |
2018.09.14. 11:00 |
Robert Melville Metzger |
Quo Vadis, Unimolecular Electronics? |