
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipussort descending
2017.02.15. 16:00 Titkos Tamás (MTA Rényi Intézet) A szinguláris rész mint fixpont
2016.04.07. 16:15 Komjáthy Júlia (TU Eindhoven) Explosive branching processes and their applications to epidemics and distances in power-law random graphs
2017.09.22. 08:15 Géza Meszéna (ELTE Dept. Biol. Phys.) Biological adaptation from a physicist's point of view
2016.11.04. 09:15 Gábor Hofer-Szabó (Res. Inst. Humanities, HAS) On the Bell inequalities
2017.04.06. 07:15 Péter Földesy The recent day technology of integrated circuits
2018.05.04. 08:15 Barna Imre Ferenc (Wigner Res. Cent.) Electron scattering and conduction in doped semiconductors in simultaneous strong infrared radiation field
2019.01.31. 16:15 Bálint Virág (Toronto) The Directed Landscape
2018.02.22. 16:15 Bálint Tóth (Bristol, Rényi) Invariance principle for the random Lorentz gas beyond the Boltzmann-Grad (or, Gallavotti-Spohn) limit I.
2016.03.01. 13:15 Szabolcs Csonka RF Reflectometry of nanoelectronic devices
09:00 to 13:30
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