2024. April 15.

The application period for self-financed students has begun. BME’s international study programmes are now open!
2024. April 15.
The application period for self-financed students has begun. BME’s international study programmes are now open!
2024. April 10.
Gábor Takács, professor of the BME Institute of Physics, is the subject of the photo portrait that ranked second in its category at the 42th Hungarian Press Photo Contest.
2024. February 12.
We are deeply saddened to announce that Dr. Erzsébet Horváth, honorary professor of the Department of Algebra and Geometry at BME TTK passed away at the age of 66 due to a serious illness.
2023. November 30.
Interviewed Kate Barnes, a Fulbright student researcher at BME, and her mentor Roland Molontay, head of HSDSLab at the Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences.
2023. September 12.
Interview with Thomas Pinel, a visiting Erasmus student from France
2023. June 27.
Interview with BME's associate professor and Momentum research group leader Szabolcs Csonka published at the news portal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
2022. August 19.
Interview with David Plitt, a visiting Erasmus student from Germany
2022. May 19.
Leaders of the semiconductor-superconductor field have assembled for the closing event of the SuperTop QuantERA network.
2022. March 06.
This is the first time for foreign students to have the opportunity to join the Career Day at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. This day is about your future!
2022. March 03.
Ádám Gali, part-time professor of our Department of Atomic Physics, receives the APS Outstanding Referee honor from the American Physical Society.
2022. January 20.
BME Physics researchers report a new and efficient way to create nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond using neutron irradiation. Published in Carbon.
2022. January 12.
BME webpage editorial staff conducted a joint interview with Timothy E. O'Brien and Roland Molontay.
2021. November 23.
Paper from the collaboration between the Quantum Electronics group and the Exotic Quantum Phases group was awarded the Best Publication Prize of the university.
2021. October 11.
Ádám Varga, kayak K1-1000m silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, just started his phyiscs BSc studies at BME this September. Interview, in Hungarian, at
2021. October 06.
Associate professor of BME Department of Physics receives Bolyai Plaquette from HAS, as well as the Zoltán Gyulai Prize of the Roland Eotvos Physical Society.
2021. September 26.
Our colleagues at the BME Department of Physics created a novel artificial molecule in nano-sized electronic circuits, at extremely low temperatures.
2021. August 09.
Harvard experimentalists discovered a coupled Wigner crystal in bilayer nanostructures, with important theory contribution from our Institute of Physics.
2021. July 05.
Péter Makk, associate professor at the Institute of Physics and the Department of Physics, has won the Momentum Research Grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
2021. June 27.
Newly established Quantum Information National Laboratory (QNL) officially launched at an online kick-off conference, with our Institute of Physics a key participant.
2021. May 13.
2021. May 06.
New results from the Self-organization and Self-assembly Research Group, on the self-organization of nanoparticles and molecules, is published in Science Advances.
2021. April 19.
New results from the colleagues of the Department of Theoretical Physics may enable the creation and experimental investigation of topologically protected quantum states.
2021. February 11.
Will quantum technology impact computer networks? An online seminar series organized by Nokia Bell Labs and the BME Insitute of Physics, starting on Feb 18.
2021. January 14.
Study on the natural geometry of fragmentation, by our colleague János Török and his coauthors, is selected by Science as one of their 10 favorite science news stories in 2020.
2020. August 30.
2020. August 24.
News portal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences covers research results of Péter Makk (Institute of Physics), as one of the most successful recent recipients of the Bolyai Scholarship.
2020. July 19.
In their new paper, János Török and his colleagues provide support for the ancient idea of Plato that on Earth, "everything is built up from cubes". Also covered by
2020. May 31.
Two of the publication prizes of BME and the Pro Progressio Foundation were awarded to papers authored by researchers in the Institute of Physics, published in Nature Communications and Nature Materials.
2020. April 15.
BME physicists find an unexpectedly large extension of the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) state in a superconducting nanostructure, a result which paves the way toward topologically protected qubits.
2020. March 10.
This communique contains the steps taken by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
2020. March 10.
Timothy O'Brien, Professor in Statistics at Loyola University Chicago was awarded the Fulbright U.S. Scholarship to stay at the Department of Stochastics, BME in the fall semester 2020.
2020. March 10.
An exciting special lecture in physics, with spectacular experiments, for high-school students and teachers, at the BME Institute of Physics: Jan 28 Tuesday, 15:00.
2020. March 10.
Single-atom-sized wires carry the electric current in the memristors created by our colleagues in the Nanoelectronics research group. Research published in Nano Letters.
2020. January 06.
Our colleagues, with researchers from Bilkent University, showed mechanically controlled pattern formation in a hydrogel by a diffusion–precipitation reaction. Published in Advanced Materials.