Időpont | Előadó | Cím | esemeny_tipus |
2021.11.30. 18:15 to 19:45 |
William D. MAGWOOD, IV (Director-General, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)) | The new nuclear energy future | Kari esemény |
2022.09.13. 17:00 | Xiaoxian Tang | Hopf Bifurcations of Reaction Networks with Zero-One Stoichiometric Coefficients | Szeminárium |
2016.04.27. 13:39 | xx | xx | |
2021.12.10. 09:15 | Yasir Iqbal (Chennai) | Quantum Spin Liquid Physics on a novel square-kagome lattice material | Szeminárium |
2017.05.24. 11:15 | Yasir Iqbal (Würzburg) | The diverse footprints of quantum spin liquids in 3D frustrated magnets | |
2021.05.10. 12:15 | You Zhou (Maryland) | Excitons in twisted flatland | Szeminárium |
2017.02.24. 09:15 | Zoltán Bajnok (Wigner Res. Inst.) | Integrability and the holographic duality | |
2018.11.09. 09:15 | Zoltán Erdélyi (U. Debrecen) | Bimetallic and porous metal/metal oxide hybrid nanoparticles | |
2023.03.31. 08:15 | Zoltán Guba (BME) | Weyl points in ball-and-spring mechanical systems | Szeminárium |
2022.10.07. 08:15 | Zoltán György (ELTE) | Electrically driven spin resonance with bichromatic driving | Szeminárium |