2016.10.06. 16:15 |
Bálint Péter |
Convergence of moments in dispersing billiards with cusps |
2017.05.11. 09:15 |
Zoltán Kovács-Krausz |
Influence of proximity on the weak localization effect in graphene heterostructures |
2017.11.02. 14:00 |
Farkas Máté (KCIK, University of Gdansk) |
MUB equivalence classes are physical |
2016.03.02. 16:00 |
Peter Semrl (Univ. of Ljubljana) |
Automorphisms of Hilbert space effect algebras |
2018.09.14. 11:00 |
Robert Melville Metzger |
Quo Vadis, Unimolecular Electronics? |
2016.12.08. 16:15 |
Balázs Gerencsér (Rényi Institute) |
Consensus and mixing on Small World Networks |
2018.06.14. 16:15 |
Antar Bandyopadhyay (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi) |
Random Recursive Tree, Branching Markov Chains and Urn Models |
2016.10.21. 08:15 |
Anita Heczel (ELTE Dept. Mat. Phys.) |
Microstructure and mechanical properties of High-Entropy Alloys |
2018.11.29. 14:15 |
Kóczy László- BME GTK |
A körzetkiosztás hibakorlátai |
2017.11.21. 10:30 |
Gévay Gábor |
Geometriai konfigurációk |