
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipussort ascending
2017.11.17. 09:15 Julia Meyer (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes) Topological multi-terminal Josephson junctions
2018.10.03. 16:00 Antonio M. Peralta, University of Granada, Spain On the extension of isometries
2015.11.30. 10:45 Peter Rickhaus (University of Basel) Electron Optics in Ballistic Graphene
2016.06.03. 08:15 Jed H. Pixley (U. Maryland) Rare region induced avoided quantum criticality in disordered three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl semi-metals
2016.04.12. 10:30 Ivanics Péter, Szabó Szilárd Irreguláris Higgs nyalábok modulustereinek geometriája 2.
17:00 to 19:00
Härtlein Károly Mikulás fizika
2018.04.17. 10:30 Lángi Zsolt Köbe-poliéderek "centrálása” 2
2017.04.13. 09:15 János Pető Formation of two-dimensional MoS2xOx solid solutions through ambient oxidation
2019.01.15. 08:30 Oleksandr Zheliuk Switching Ising pairing by field-effect control of Josephson coupling in suspended MoS2 bilayers
2017.12.08. 13:15 János Asbóth (Wigner RC) The The Surface Code -- how to realize topological quantum computing in the lab
