2022.10.21. 08:15 |
Péter Ispánovity (ELTE) |
Experimental and numerical investigation of dislocation avalanches |
Szeminárium |
2023.10.03. 17:15 |
Vághy Mihály (PPKE) |
Exogenous population-level control of gene regulatory networks |
Szeminárium |
2018.12.13. 16:15 |
Aran Raoufi (ETH Zürich) |
Existence of phase transition for percolation using the Gaussian Free Field |
2018.10.11. 14:15 |
Anna Zseleva (Tel Aviv University) |
Existence of justifiable equilibrium |
2021.05.10. 12:15 |
You Zhou (Maryland) |
Excitons in twisted flatland |
Szeminárium |
2019.03.26. 14:30 to 16:00 |
Kis András (EPFL) |
Exciton Manipulation for Valley/Spin Devices with 2D TMDCs |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium |
2022.03.08. 13:15 |
Dániel Varjas (Stockholm) |
Exceptional dynamics of interacting spin liquids |
Szeminárium |
2022.10.18. 17:15 |
Boldog Péter (Szeged, Hungary, Bolyai Inst.) |
Exact lattice-based stochastic cell culture simulation algorithms incorporating spontaneous and contact-dependent reactions |
Szeminárium |
2017.12.01. 09:15 |
Tamás Gál (Univ. Pécs) |
Exact excitation energies from one-particle energies |
2023.05.19. 08:15 |
Róbert Juhász (Wigner) |
Exact bounds on the energy gap of transverse-field Ising chains by mapping to random walks |
Szeminárium |