
Időpont Előadó Címsort ascending esemeny_tipus
14:30 to 16:00
Dr-. Röst Gergely (SZTE, ERC és Élvonal nyertes kutató) COVID-19: a multiscale problem Szilárd Leó Kollokvium
2015.10.02. 08:15 Péter Lévay Coupled Cluster Method and Entanglement
2022.05.13. 08:15 Balázs Dóra (BME) Correlations at PT-symmetric quantum critical point Szeminárium
2018.02.09. 09:15 Izabella Lovas (BME Dept. Theor. Phys.) Correlations and dynamics in interacting cold atomic systems
2018.09.28. 08:15 Spyros Sotiriadis (U. Ljubjana) Correlation Functions of the Quantum Sine-Gordon Model in and out of Equilibrium
2016.10.06. 16:15 Bálint Péter Convergence of moments in dispersing billiards with cusps
2016.12.08. 16:15 Balázs Gerencsér (Rényi Institute) Consensus and mixing on Small World Networks
2017.04.20. 09:00 Endre Tóvári Conducting channels and localization in graphene in a magnetic field
2018.03.23. 14:15 Ábel Farkas (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Conditional measure on the Brownian path and other random sets II.
2018.03.22. 16:15 Ábel Farkas (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Conditional measure on the Brownian path and other random sets I.
