2024.10.01. 10:30 |
Zábrádi Gergely (ELTE) |
Extensions of mod p principal series and Galois representations |
Szeminárium |
2022.09.20. 17:00 |
Murad Banaji (part I) |
The smallest bimolecular mass-action reaction networks admitting Andronov-Hopf bifurcation |
Szeminárium |
2021.04.12. 12:15 |
Daniel Podolsky (Technion) |
Non-linear optics of periodically-driven systems |
Szeminárium |
2024.04.09. 17:15 |
Francois Fages (Inria and Ecole Polytechnique) |
Chemical reaction networks as a programming language: Turing-completeness, compiler of real functions into finite CRNs, and absolute functional robustness. |
Szeminárium |
2023.11.21. 10:30 |
Szabó Szilárd |
Változó-szétválasztás görbék feletti irreguláris konnexiókra |
Szeminárium |
2022.05.02. 12:00 |
Valle Fatemi (Cornell) |
Topological band structures from the physics of Cooper pair transfers |
Szeminárium |
2020.09.25. 08:15 |
Balázs Dóra (BME) |
Nuclear magnetic relaxation in Weyl semimetals |
Szeminárium |
2022.10.13. 14:00 |
Kolumbán József |
On recent results regarding the mathematical model of turbulent fluid mixing via convex integration |
Szeminárium |
2021.04.29. 16:00 |
Drexler Dániel (ÓE) |
Application of model-based therapy generation in cancer research |
Szeminárium |
2020.02.27. 16:15 |
Olof Elias (Chalmers, Gothenburg) |
The fractal cylinder model |
Szeminárium |