Micro-optical implementation of a flat-panel Head Up Display

Nyomtatóbarát változatNyomtatóbarát változat
Doctoral school: 
Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Koppa Pál
Department of Atomic Physics
Job title: 
Academic degree: 

Automotive display technologies undergo radical transition from classical instrument panels through dashboard integrated LCD screens towards large area Head-Up Displays (HUDs). Narrow viewing angle (~9°x 3°) HUDs are already commercially available, projecting essential driving information on a small area of the windscreen. The goal of our project is the development of a wide angle (40°x 12° and beyond) flat panel based HUD, that opens the door to augmented reality driving assistance in traditional vehicles and versatile infotainment screens in future autonomous vehicles. The proposed flat panel approach eliminates the problems related to conventional projection type optics (size, vibrations, heat dissipation), but it requires a new planar optical system based on arrays of micro-lenses, micro-apertures, wave-front shaping and polarization components.

The goal of the proposed PhD topic is the investigation of the new planar optical system focusing on the following tasks:

  • Modelling and optimization of the micro-optical elements using computer simulations,
  • participation in the manufacturing of the components using cutting edge technologies like 2 photon laser lithography, precision 3D printing etc.,
  • experimental investigation of the key components, and
  • participation in the hardware and software development of a prototype HUD

The selection and weighting of the above tasks can be adapted to the skills and ambitions of the candidates.


Motivation for applied research, innovative spirit, basic knowledge of optics and computer modeling, scientific English.
Project type: 
PhD project for standard admission