2018.02.16. 09:15 |
Krisztián Palotás (Bratisava / SZTE) |
First-principles-based simulation of scanning tunneling microscopy: From magnetic surfaces to molecular structures |
2018.02.13. 10:30 |
Gévay Gábor |
Felsőbb elemi geometria – Tételek és problémák |
2018.02.09. 09:15 |
Izabella Lovas (BME Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Correlations and dynamics in interacting cold atomic systems |
2018.02.06. 10:30 |
Molnár Emil |
Poliéder-sokaságok és nem-euklideszi krisztallográfia |
2018.01.18. 16:15 |
James Martin (Oxford) |
Percolation games, ergodicity of probabilistic cellular automata, and the hard-core model |
2017.12.22. 09:15 |
Judit Romhányi (Okinawa Inst. Sci. Tech.) |
Chernful multiplet excitations in the breathing kagome model |
2017.12.21. 12:00 |
Tanszéki évzáró ünnepség |
2017.12.15. 09:15 |
Lorenzo Piroli (SISSA) |
Transport in out-of-equilibrium XXZ chains from generalized hydrodynamics |
2017.12.08. 13:15 |
János Asbóth (Wigner RC) |
The Surface Code -- how to realize topological quantum computing in the lab |
2017.12.08. 13:15 |
János Asbóth (Wigner RC) |
The The Surface Code -- how to realize topological quantum computing in the lab |