
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipuscsökkenő sorrend
2017.10.20. 08:15 Antal Jakovác (ELTE Dept. Atomic Phys.) Quantum Measurement Theory: a Functional Renormalization Group perspective
2018.05.17. 16:15 Tom Hutchcroft (Cambridge) Scaling exponents for high-dimensional spanning forests and sandpiles
2016.11.04. 13:15 János Asbóth (Wigner) 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics
2016.02.16. 12:00 András Pályi Fast relaxation processes of donor-based spin qubits in silicon
2017.05.09. 10:30 Bezdek Károly (University of Calgary and University of Pannonia) On contact graphs of totally separable bodies
2016.09.05. 11:00 Frank Hauke (Erlangen-Nurnberg) The Chemistry of Carbon Allotropes and Beyond
2017.03.21. 10:30 Molnár Emil Maximális homogén 3-dimenziós geometriák
2017.11.06. 14:45 Clevin Handschin (Basel) From snake states to Aharonov Bohm interferences in graphene p-n junctions
2018.09.11. 10:30 Szabó szilárd Hitchin-fibrálások két $I_0^*$ tipusú szinguláris fibrummal.
2016.11.09. 16:00 Andai Attila, Lovas Attila Is the world more classical or more quantum?
