The course is organized largely around getting involved in original „cutting-edge” research by applying advanced mathematical tools to answer research questions arising outside of mathematics (e.g., computer science, physics, engineering, life sciences, economics, quantitative social science).
Students are working in small teams (2-3 students) on a research paper, to make it a conference- presentable and journal-publishable work by the end of Project Laboratory 2 or 3.
Applied mathematicians often collaborate with other scientists, so the course aims at giving students a taste of not only research but also research collaboration.
Topics and content are determined by the responsible instructor. Each team is guided by a supervisor who is usually a domain expert but not a mathematician.
At the end of the semester, students have to submit a high-quality technical report and present their work at a conference-like event.
A tantárgy keretében a hallgatók a választott téma kidolgozása során elmélyülten megismerkednek a kapcsolódó matematikai, statisztikai, műszaki, ill. pénzügyi programrendszerek használatával is.