A tantárgy az alábbi témakörök ismeretére épít:
kvantummechanikai alapismeretek
A tantárgy szerepe a képzés céljának megvalósításában:
Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola szabadon választható tárgya
A tantárgy részletes tematikája magyarul és angolul:
The two-weeks intensive course is planned to consist of 15 hours theoretical classes + 15 hours laboratory classes at instruments of the Budapest Research Reactor to provide introduction into the basics of neutron scattering, imaging and neutron-absorption-based elemental analysis. The various experimental methods are introduced with scheme of the instrumentations and examples of application.
The theoretical lectures are given on the following topics: 1. Neutron production and neutron sources. 2. Introduction to neutron scattering. 3. Neutron diffraction. 4. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS). 5. Neutron reflectivity. 6. Time-of-flight spectroscopy. 7. Three-axis spectrometry. 8. Polarized neutrons. 9. Neutron imaging. 10. Elemental analysis with neutrons. 11. Radiation safety for users of neutron facilities. 12. State-of-the-art of European neutron facilities.
The laboratory classes comprise 5x3 hours hand-on practice in groups of five students at five of somewhat oriented free choice from the following nine instruments: Neutron Diffractometer (PSD), Material Test Diffractometer (MTEST), Cold Three-axis Spectrometer (ATHOS), Time of Flight Diffractometer (TOF), Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument (YS-SANS), Reflectometer (GINA), Neutron Activation Analysis Station (NAA), Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis Instrument (PGAA), Neutron Imaging Instruments (RAD/NIPS-NORMA). More information on the science and instrument suite in the Budapest Neutron Center is available at https://www.bnc.hu.
Követelmények szorgalmi időszakban:
zárthelyi dolgozat, beadandó dolgozat, kiselőadás
Konzultációs lehetőségek:
Az előadókkal egyeztetett időpontban
Jegyzet, tankönyv, felhasználható irodalom:
J. Füzi, A. Len, K. Bajnok, eds.: Research Instruments at the Budapest Neutron Centre, Handbook of the Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques, ISBN 978-615-00-5068-3, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2019 ISBN 978-615-01-1067-7
L. Cser: Kondenzált közegek vizsgálata neutronszórással (in Hungarian), Typotex, Budapest, 2010
B.T.M. Willis, C.J. Carlile, eds.: Experimental Neutron Scattering, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009
F. Jorg, T. Gutberlet, J. Katsars, eds.: Neutron scattering in biology, Techniques and applications, Springer, Heidelberg, 2006
I.S. Anderson, R.L. McGreevy, H.Z. Bilheux, eds.: Neutron Imaging and Applications, Springer Verlag, New York, 2009
G.L. Molnár: Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004