Doctoral school:
Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Academic degree:
MTA doktora
Mean-field approaches provide an understanding of ordered phases of matter. The excitations above such an ordered state can have nontrivial topological properties, like a finite Chern number and edge states. Furthermore, competing interactions in a quantum spin- and other strongly interacting systems can lead to entangled states beyond the reach of the traditional mean-field description — they may form different types of spin liquids with exotic excitations.
We will search for the ground states and excitations in spin liquids, non-conventional superconductors, interacting Rydberg atoms, artificial spin-ice, and other systems of current interest. It is primarily theoretical research, requiring the application of analytical and numerical methods. At the same time, we will try to address questions relevant to experiments: for example, how can we excite non-abelian excitations? How do the excitations interact with light?
The application of a student with good knowledge of mathematical methods like group theory, linear algebra, quantum mechanics, numerical methods, and most importantly, enthusiasm and interest in pursuing a challenging but rewarding problem is encouraged.