
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipuscsökkenő sorrend
2016.03.23. 15:00 Farkas Bálint (Univ. of Wuppertal) Wiener's lemma and the Jacobs-de Leeuw-Glicksberg decomposition
2018.02.23. 09:15 Wataru Izumida (Tohoku Univ.) Zero energy edge states in carbon nanotubes with superconducting pairing
2017.03.17. 09:15 Karlo Penc (Wigner Res. Inst.) Berry phase induced dimerization in one-dimensional quadrupolar systems
2018.04.13. 08:15 László Oroszlány (ELTE) Magnetic oscillations in nodal loop semimetals
2016.11.09. 16:00 Andai Attila, Lovas Attila Is the world more classical or more quantum?
2018.10.05. 08:15 Matteo Giordano (ELTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) Landau levels in lattice QCD in an external magnetic field
2016.09.26. 16:00 Leonhard Horstmeyer Characterization of Exact Lumpability of Smooth Dynamics on Manifolds
2016.04.12. 08:00 Martin Gmitra (Regensburg) Spin-orbit coupling in graphene, few-layer graphene structures, graphite and role of functionalization
2017.06.06. 11:00 Orosz László A Kvantumoptika és a kvantuminformatika fizikai alapjai
2017.03.30. 07:15 György Grüner (UCLA) Nanotechnológia: remény, rákfene és realitás
