
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipusnövekvő sorrend
2019.01.31. 16:15 Bálint Virág (Toronto) The Directed Landscape
2017.02.15. 16:00 Titkos Tamás (MTA Rényi Intézet) A szinguláris rész mint fixpont
2018.05.11. 08:15 Péter Domokos (Wigner Res. Centre) Observation of the Photon-Blockade Breakdown Phase Transition
2018.10.19. 08:15 M. F. Gonzalez - Zalba (Hitachi Cambridge Lab.) Quantum computing with quantum transistors
2015.11.17. 13:15 Péter Rakyta (ELTE) Spin-hedgehog on a sheet of graphene
2017.09.22. 08:15 Géza Meszéna (ELTE Dept. Biol. Phys.) Biological adaptation – through a physicist’s eye
2016.06.03. 08:15 Jed H. Pixley (U. Maryland) Rare region induced avoided quantum criticality in disordered three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl semi-metals
2017.02.24. 09:15 Zoltán Bajnok (Wigner Res. Inst.) Integrability and the holographic duality
2018.06.18. 11:00 Andras Vasy (Stanford University) Microlocal analysis and its applications
2016.04.20. 16:00 Kroó András Bernstein-Markov type inequalities on convex domains with applications to norming sets
